:::the international conference for biobank management and qc & shanghai biobank development workshop 2011:::-凯发国际平台官网下载

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registered participants can be accredited 6 cme (continuing medical education) points.
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ms. angelien heister
supervisor, radboud biobank
researcher, department of human genetics, radboud university nijmegen medical centre
  • july 1991 - july 1994: department of human genetics, leiden university medical centre, leiden, the netherlands.

  • september 1994 - september 1995: department of virology and immunology julius-maximilians university würzburg, würzburg, germany

  • october 1995 - november 1999: department of biochemistry, friedrich-alexander university erlangen-nurnberg, germany.

  • february 2000 - to date : department of human genetics, radboud university nijmegen medical centre, nijmegen, the netherlands.

supervision of technicians and management of the research group multifactoriel diseases within the department of human genetics.

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