:::the international conference for biobank management and qc & shanghai biobank development workshop 2011:::-凯发国际平台官网下载

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coordinator of esfri biomedical and biobanking resources research infrastructure (bbmri)
professor of pathology, institute of pathology, medical university of graz
bruno clément, ph.d.
head of the inserm unit "liver, metabolisms and cancer"
chairman of the national committee for biological resources in the ministry of research
cso of the biobank national infrastructure
paul downey, mba
director of operations, uk biobank
georges dagher, ph.d.
deputy director, clinical research dpt, inserm, paris
leader of funding & financing at bbmri
director of clinical research infrastructures and the coordinator of the french network of biobanks
paul hofman, md, ph.d.
head of the laboratory of clinical and experimental pathology, pasteur hospital
head of the human biobank unit, pasteur hospital
head of the eri-21/ea 4319, inserm, france
christian demanze
manager of consulting office iso.l.a
lead auditor and teacher qse sgs-ics
christian c. oste, ph.d.
president of bioscope international, llc, spain
member, international society for biological and environmental repositories (isber)
member, public population project in genomics (p3g)

scientific associate director r&d, qiagen gmbh
member of spidia project (fp7)

senior scientist r&d, qiagen gmbh
carola schade, ph.d.
business director automation, qiagen gmbh
ms. angelien heister
supervisor, radboud biobank
researcher, department of human genetics, radboud university nijmegen medical centre
rongxing gan, professor mba
president & ceo, shanghai clinical research center
jiayou chu, ph.d.
professor of chinese academy of medical sciences, medical biology institute of beijing union medical college
project director of studies of the preservation of genome of different ethnic groups in china and immortal bio-bank of different ethnic groups in china within the human genome project
youyong lv, ph.d.
professor of the college of clinical oncology, beijing university, researcher of beijing institute of cancer prevention and treatment, doctoral tutor and director of beijing molecular oncology laboratory.
shilin li, ph.d.
associate research professor,
moe key laboratory of
contemporary anthropology at fudan university
yong zhang, ph.d.
head of proteomics division at bgi shenzhen
project director at bgi shenzhen
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