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jiayou chu, ph.d.
professor of chinese academy of medical sciences, medical biology institute of beijing union medical college
project director of studies of the preservation of genome of different ethnic groups in china and immortal bio-bank of different ethnic groups in china within the human genome project

researcher, doctoral supervisor, medicine doctor. under the joint efforts of medical biology institute in chinese academy of medical sciences and institute of genetics and developmental biology in chinese academy of medical sciences, and harbin medical university, “studies of the preservation of genome of different ethnic groups in china and immortal bio-bank of different ethnic groups in china within the human genome project” has constructed and preserved immortal bio-bank of chinese peoples covering 70-odd ethnic groups (including national branches) and thousands of immortal cells. the corresponding dna can be used for long-term research. associate editor of heredity, journal of international genetics, and member of editorial board of chinese journal of medical genetics, cancer, etc. the first winner of second-prize of national natural science, first-prize/second-prize of yunnan province scientific and technological progress. now appointed chairman of ethics committee, genetics society of china, and general director of yunnan genetics society.

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