:::the international conference for biobank management and qc & shanghai biobank development workshop 2011:::-凯发国际平台官网下载

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registered participants can be accredited 6 cme (continuing medical education) points.
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yong zhang, ph.d.
duty operation officer, bgi
head of proteomics division at bgi
2001.9 - 2006.6 ph.d in bioinformatics, college of life sciences, peking university
1997.9 - 2001.7 b.s. in the department of computer science & technology, peking university
2008.7 - present member of bgi at shenzhen, china
2005.7 - 2008.6 member of max planck institute of biochemistry, martinsried, germany
2001.9 - 2008.7 member of beijing genomics institute (bgi) at beijing, china
work experience
2011 - present duty operation officer, bgi
2011 - present director of national genebank, bgi, shenzhen
2010 - present head of proteomics division at bgi shenzhen, shenzhen
2008 - present project director at bgi shenzhen, shenzhen
2006 - 2008 postdoc. in prof. mann's group at max planck institute of biochemistry, martinsried, germany
2005 - 2006 visit scientist in prof. mann's group at university of southern denmark, odense, denmark and max planck institute of biochemistry, martinsried, germany
2002 - 2008 group leader at bioinformatics department, bgi, beijing
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