:::the international conference for biobank management and qc & shanghai biobank development workshop 2011:::-凯发国际平台官网下载

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georges dagher, ph.d.
deputy director, clinical research dpt, inserm, paris
leader of funding & financing at bbmri
director of clinical research infrastructures and the coordinator of the french network of biobanks

senior investigator at inserm accomplished most of his career in pathophysiological and clinical research at necker hospital (1979-1984), college de france (1985-1993) and faculty of medicine broussais-hotel dieu (1994-2004). he joined the physiological laboratory (cambridge, uk) for a post doc fellowhip (1983-85) and was a special guest to physiological laboratory (harvard medical school, boston, us, 1982, 1984). georges dagher published 90 papers in international peer-reviewed journals on hypertension, arterial hypertrophy, obesity and lipid metabolism, manic depression, renal physiology and transmembrane ion transport. he is an active participant in the preparatory phase of the european biobanking and biomolecular research infrastructure (bbmri) in this infrastructure he is a leading figure of the coordination committee and leader of a work package on funding and financing. he is also a member of coordination team of bioshare within the 7th eu framework program. he is currently the deputy director of the department of clinical research at the public health institute, inserm, france; the director of clinical research infrastructures and the coordinator of the french network of biobanks. he contributed to the oecd best practice guidelines for biological resource centres and the oecd guidelines on human biobanks and genetic databases. he is involved in organizing and evaluating clinical research infrastructures, translational research calls and a number of expert committees focusing on the issues related to biobanks within europe and internationally. he participated in the elaboration of the french norm for biobanks nf s96-900 norm and member of the afnor normalisation committee. he coordinated the implementation of quality management in french biobanks he is a delegate of several french institutions to european and international committees or meetings (oecd, esf, era, allea, easac…). he is also a member of the inserm ethics committee and the institutional review board (irb).

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