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bruno clément, ph.d.
head of the inserm unit "liver, metabolisms and cancer"
chairman of the national committee for biological resources in the ministry of research
cso of the biobank national infrastructure

after a ph.d. in cellular and molecular biology, bruno clément joined the nih in bethesda md, as a post-doctoral fellow for 3 years. in 1985, he was appointed at inserm, the french national institute for biomedical research. from 1992, he headed a group focused on liver cancer and the tumor microenvironment, in the “liver research” inserm unit. he published 120 papers in international peer-reviewed journals on liver physiopathology, the role of the microenvironment in tumor progression and the development of innovative diagnosis and therapeutic tools for the treatment of liver cancers. he was member of the editorial board of /hepatology/ in 1997-2007. from 1998 to 2003, he was appointed deputy-director of the biotechnology department in the ministry of research; he has been involved in the implementation of the law on innovation, through dedicated actions in favor of biotechnology, including the first national program for biobanks. he was member of several international committees on biobanks and biotechnology, e.g. in oecd and in the european commission. from 2003 to 2007 he was appointed counselor of the general director of inserm for biobanks and biotechnology development, and scientific director of "inserm-transfert". he is currently chairman of the national committee for biological resources in the ministry of research. on january 1st, 2010 he was appointed director of the inserm unit umr991 “liver, metabolisms and cancer”.

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